Mobi Bank is a mobile banking platform and refers to the use of a smartphone or other cellular device to perform online banking tasks while away from your bank branch or computer, such as monitoring account balances, getting accounts statements, transferring funds between accounts, bill payment and locating a branch or an ATM.

It saves customers time and offers great amount of convenience and thus enhances their banking experience and services. A Bain report on customer loyalty in banking found that mobile and online banking are the services most likely to ‘delight’ customers and therefore increase their loyalty and make them more likely to recommend a particular retail bank.

In addition to these basic features, WPITS Mobi Bank platform includes direct deposit of checks using customer device’s camera, paying bills, sending money to another person, transferring credit card balances, conducting investment transactions, applying for loans, applying for credit/debit cards etc. The platform also offers integrated modules for e-KYC, biometric authentication and GPS and Google maps based branch/ATM locator with Google navigator.

Mobi Bank platform is seamlessly and tightly integrated with Core Banking Systems, is completely configurable, customizable and highly secure. The customer’s account sits on bank’s Core Banking System and customers access their account for info & transactions with mobile devices.

Key Features:

  • Mobi Bank is a Mobile Banking Platform
  • Bank’s account holders use Mobile Phone for banking services
  • The customer’s account sits on bank’s Core Banking System
  • Customers access their account for info & transactions with mobile devices
  • Mobi Bank is usually enabled via Mobile Applications
  • Mobi Pay supports Android, iOS, Windows and J2ME applications
  • SMS, USSD & IVR Banking can also be enabled
  • Typical Transaction types:
    • App Registration
    • Account balance
    • Money transfer between own accounts
    • Money transfer to other accounts
    • Money transfer to integrated wallet accounts
    • Bill payment
    • Top-up of prepaid services
    • Merchant Payments

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